China Oil Paintings Original Hand Painted Canvas Art
Original, Hand painted by Feng Shui Master, oil on canvas. China Oil Paintings: Chinese Artwork does not strive to create realistic representations. Oil Paintings China simplifies or exaggerates color, shape, and form, to attach emotion or other meaning.
Chinese Artwork: China Oil Paintings bring feng shui luck and are full of the Chi energy which intensifies good fortune. All our China Oil Paintings are hand painted by Master Yang, meticulously created to capture the beauty of the painting.
China Oil Paintings Original Hand Painted Canvas Art
40 inches x 20 inches (102cm x 51cm)
Please choose an option above. Framed/Ready to hang or Unframed/Canvas only
We can paint any painting in any size. Please email us your requirements.
The pictures shown are of the original painting. Your painting will be a custom made reproduction of the original. Please allow 3 weeks for painting and shipping.