Our Feng Shui oil paintings bring harmony and fortune by harnessing the life energy of "Chi. Our Feng Shui Oil Paintings are hand painted by Chinese artists.
Feng Shui Colors:Feng Shui literally means "Wind Water". This ancient science originated in China over 3500 years ago. Feng Shui colors are used to bring luck and fortune by harnessing the universal energy of "Chi", or the "Dragon's Cosmic Breath".Feng Shui color practices are used to attract positive chi.
One of the most effective means of attracting positive Feng Shui energy is by having a Feng Shui color painting in your home and office. You and your environment should be conduits to produce positive energy. Our Feng Shui Paintings use Feng Shui color principles to attract positive energy. When choosing Feng Shui colors, think about their effects on your emotions and mood.
Do not see one you like? We can paint any painting in any size. Please email us at
Red is great for grabbing attention and can increase brain activity. It is great for inspiring creative activity. Red symbolizes passion and fire and will stimulate and intensify emotion. Red is especially effective for spicing up your love life. Red is a great Feng Shui color for the bedroom.
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Horse Painting
Feng Shui Colors Bamboo Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Orange is a stimulating color associated with enthusiasm and optimism. It is ideal for any space where you receive visitors and/or entertain. Orange is great for unblocking emotions and creating a sense of joy in your life. Orange in the bedroom can stimulate romance. Consider using earthy tones of orange instead of bright orange.
Feng Shui Colors Foo Dogs Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Flower Painting
Feng Shui Colors Koi Fish Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Purple is linked with activities such as meditation and healing. It's often the preferred color for calming and restoring energy. Use purple in the bedroom at night when your energy needs to be focused inwards. Use purple/violet if you feel out of control and need a more stable work-life balance. Use purple to enhance intuition and understanding.
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Flower Painting
Yellow is a great Feng Shui color to lift spirits, raise energy levels and dispel negativity. You can use yellow in any room of the house or office. Yellow is particularly good for focusing the mind and encouraging intellectual progress. Yellow can improved memory, judgment, and logic.
Feng Shui Colors Bamboo Painting
Feng Shui Colors Shiva Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Flower Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
It is calming, reassuring and promotes feelings of safety. The restful qualities in greens are perfect for bedrooms and places of retreat. It's also a great color to use for people who seem out of balance spiritually or emotionally as green reduces stress and mood swings. Green also represents financial growth and wealth.
Feng Shui Colors Lotous Painting
Feng Shui Colors Flower Painting
Feng Shui Colors Bamboo Painting
Feng Shui Colors Crane Painting
Feng Shui Colors Bamboo Painting
Blue is the ultimate soother. Blue reduces stress and tension and is useful to calm negative emotions. Blue is also good for clearing and focusing the mind. It is also said to lower your blood pressure and heart rate.
Feng Shui Colors Bamboo Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Koi Fish Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
It is great as an accent color, it provides a striking backdrop for other colors. Black is intriguing, bold and creates a sense of magic as it has great depth. Black is great for making a striking impression on business rivals. Use black to focus the mind and spirit.
Feng Shui Colors Buddha Painting
Feng Shui Colors Dragon Painting
Feng Shui Colors Calligraphy Painting
Feng Shui Colors Buddha Painting
Feng Shui Colors Calligraphy Painting
White symbolizes purity and cleanliness and is useful if you are overloaded emotionally. It is useful for bouncing light and energy to keep decor looking fresh. White needs to be combined with other colors to be truly effective. Off whites are better for Feng Shui home decoration.
Feng Shui Colors Flower Painting
Feng Shui Colors Bamboo Painting
Feng Shui Colors Horse Painting
Feng Shui Colors Cherry Blossom Painting
Feng Shui Colors Koi Fish Painting
Use light browns Feng Shui decorating colors or darker yellows. Use wood color browns that give off a warm stabilizing energy. Wood is a element in Feng Shuiand brings feng shui wealth luck, health and longevity.