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Our Feng Shui oil paintings bring harmony and fortune by harnessing the life energy of "Chi. Our Feng Shui Oil Paintings are hand painted by Chinese artists.


Feng Shui Office: Feng Shui literally means "Wind Water". This ancient science originated in China over 3500 years ago.  Feng Shui for the Office is used to bring career fortune by harnessing the universal energy of "Chi", or the "Dragon's Cosmic Breath". Feng Shui Office practices are used to attract positive chi, including attracting and maintaining success.

Feng Shui the office environment by enhancing and fortifying the flow of Chi using our Feng Shui Office Paintings. The more Chi your environment has, the stronger your own energy field, thus ability to attract more abundance in your life.

Positive Feng Shui office energy will attract more positive energy. Your office should be a conduit for positive energy. Our Feng Shui Office Paintings use both Feng Shui Career and Feng Shui Business principles.

Do not see one you like? We can paint any painting in any size. Please email us at

Chinese Calligraphy Painting: If you are going for an interview or are up for a promotion, display a Chinese Calligraphy painting behind you to encourage success.

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Feng Shui Office Calligraphy Painting Feng Shui Office Calligraphy Painting Feng Shui Office Calligraphy Painting Feng Shui Office Calligraphy Painting Feng Shui Office Calligraphy Painting

Blue Painting: Blue represents the ability to manifest and corresponds to the energies of the earth. Blue improves self confidence and enhances your ability to create what you want in your live. Blue provides confidence in our ability to realize our dreams by assisting us in recognizing the inner resources we can use for accomplishment. This is especially helpful if you're feeling drained or unfocused.

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Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting Feng Shui Office Flower Painting Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting  Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting 

Horse Paintings: The traditional Eight Chinese Horse painting provides business and financial stability. Any horse painting can help you find ways to achieve financial goals. Running and Galloping Horses represent the speedy arrival of your business prosperity and wealth.

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Feng Shui Office Horse Painting Feng Shui Office Horse Painting Feng Shui Office Horse Painting Feng Shui Office Horse Painting Feng Shui Office Horse Painting

Buddha Painting: Buddha attracts happiness and good fortune. Having a Buddha Painting will attract blessings. The Zen Buddha Paintings are great for freeing the mind and inspiring creative problem solving.

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Feng Shui Office Buddha  Painting Feng Shui Office Buddha  Painting Feng Shui Office Buddha  Painting Feng Shui Office Buddha  Painting Feng Shui Office Buddha  Painting

Fish Painting: Displaying a fish painting is very good career luck. Especially powerful for those of us involved in jobs where there is the opportunity to earn commission. Koi fish paintings attract wealth luck and will help you gain the support of your boss, counter office politics and get you the promotion you deserve.

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Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting  Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting  Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting  Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting  Feng Shui Office Koi Fish Painting 

Bamboo Painting: Use bamboo to active positive Feng Shui Wealth chi, bamboo heightens positive chi. Bamboo paintings represent financial growth and development. Our bamboo paintings are designed using Feng Shui Money and Feng Shui Business principles. Feng Shui bamboo paintings are great for calling money from the Universe.

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Feng Shui Office Bamboo  Painting Feng Shui Office Bamboo  Painting Feng Shui Office Bamboo  Painting Feng Shui Office Bamboo  Painting Feng Shui Office Bamboo  Painting

Cherry Blossom Painting: The Cherry blossom tree paintings symbolizes rebirth and will attract advancements, raises and bonuses. The flower oil painting is a symbol of Life and will provide rejuvenating career fortune. Chinese flower paintings are the Feng Shui element of Wood and bring Feng Shui wealth luck.

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Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting Feng Shui Office Cherry Blossom Painting

Dragon Painting: Attracts heavenly blessings of wealth, abundance, protection, and authority. Dragons are looking up towards the Heavens, a sign of striving for perfection and accomplishment. The Chinese Dragon is ultimate symbol of prosperity. Place it in an auspicious place in your office.

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Feng Shui Office Dragon Painting Feng Shui Office Dragon Painting Feng Shui Office Dragon Painting Feng Shui Office Dragon Painting Feng Shui Office Dragon Painting





