A truly unique Feng Shui experience. Hand painted original oil paintings by Chinese Feng Shui Masters.
You can profit from our products in several ways. Click on the headings for details.
Wholesale: Our wholesale price allows you a $130+ profit per painting.
Drop Ship/Private Branding: We ship paintings directly to your customers including only your company/store information. We make sure all the information will point customers to you. Using your logo and brand on the products leads to repeat business for you.
Custom designs: We can create custom paintings specifically for you and your design needs. We can also make custom paintings to match the other items in your store. We can paint from a photo or create a painting to match the colors you are using.
We are very flexible in the way we can work with you so please let us know what you would like to do and we can adjust our programs to fit your needs.
I will be glad to answer any of your questions about our Feng Shui Paintings. Please contact me at: or toll free at 1-877-661-1863 to learn more about our services and collection.