The ancient science of Chinese Fengshui made user friendly for home decor and decorating.
Feng Shui literally means "Wind Water". This ancient science of Chinese Fengshui originated over 3500 years ago as a way to harness positive energy and protect against negative energy. Chinese Fengshui is used to bring harmony and fortune by harnessing the universal life energy of "Chi", or the "Dragon's Cosmic Breath". Chi brings good fortune to those who are in balance with it and surrounded by it.
Chinese Fengshui categorizes the universe into 5 elements, Wood, Fire, Water, Earth, and Metal. Chinese Fengshui also uses ancient symbols of good luck and fortune. These 5 elements and symbols are used to harness the universal energy know as Chi, and bring good fortune.
Our Chinese Fengshui Paintings incorporate the 5 elements and fortune symbols in modern and traditional styles. All 5 elements are used to create a balance in the Yin/Yang energies of Chi. A Chinese Fengshui Painting will bring bringing harmony, balance, and success into your into your home and office.
All our Chinese Fengshui paintings are:
Please click a link below to learn more about Feng Shui and our paintings.
Feng Shui Bedroom Feng Shui Color Feng Shui Office Feng Shui Wealth Feng Shui Elements
Chinese Feng Shui Buddha Feng Shui Bamboo Feng Shui Feng Shui Artwork Chinese Painting