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See all our Cherry Blossom Paintings Here Cherry Blossom Meaning Cherry Blossom meaning in Asian cultures is generally industrious, brave, and wise and has become a national and cultural symbol for many Asian countries. In China, the Cherry Blossom meaning is also associated with women's dominance and beauty as well as feminine sexuality. In Japan, the Cherry Blossom meaning in Zen landscape paintings is more spiritual and has become an indispensable part of Japanese culture. Cherry Blossoms are like emissaries of beauty, greeting viewers with a myriad forms and colors. The Cherry Blossom meaning the Harbinger-of-spring, has long been considered a symbol of happiness, love and hope. The Cherry Blossom is a symbol of joy and love. The Cherry Blossom is said to promote spiritual awareness, and love. Cherry Blossom Meaning and Feng Shui: The Cherry Blossom Painting is used to bring Feng Shui luck and fortune by harnessing the life energy of "Chi", or the "Dragon's Cosmic Breath". Chi brings good fortune to those who are surrounded by it. Cherry Blossom Paintings are the Feng Shui element of Wood. Wood elements will bring you wealth luck, health and longevity and is used to energize positive development.
In Feng Shui the Cherry Blossom meaning is associated with the symbol of Life and creates a balance in the Yin/Yang energies of Chi, bringing harmony and success. Cherry Blossoms are often associated with love and are used for relationship and bedroom Feng Shui. The Cherry Blossom meaning health and harmony is used to attract long life to the inhabitants of the home or office. Cherry Blossom Meanings and Chinese Paintings: Over the course of Chinese painting, the three main subjects have been landscapes, flowers, and figures. Using the Cherry Blossom, artists not only directly portrayed the outer beauty of flowers, they also expressed the subtle internal beauty of the flower by attaching deeper spiritual meanings, transforming them into human feelings. The Chinese see the Cherry Blossom meaning creative power and purity amid adverse surroundings. A Cherry Blossom painting acts as a reminder of the miracle life and is said to aid both spiritual and practical understanding of Tao. Our Cherry Blossom paintings are appropriate for both home and office décor. Our paintings are all original and hand painted by Feng Shui Master Yang. Cherry Blossom Meaning and Buddhism: The cherry blossom is a very delicate flower that blooms for a very short time. This represents the transience of life, a fundamental teaching of Buddhism, that states all life is suffering and transitory. The Cherry Blossom meaning in Northern Asian is that of a reminder of the transitory nature of life and the noble pursuit of none attachment.